
Amazon S3 PostgreSQL Cluster Backups

View the Project on GitHub gregarmer/s3pgbackups

The Basics

s3pgbackups will help you to backup your PostgreSQL databases to Amazon S3. It offers convenient ways to exclude certain databases, or tables that you don't want backed up. It also manages rotating old backups out of the way so that you can keep your storage usage under control.

See the README for installation and getting started information.


$ s3pgbackups -h
Usage of dist/s3pgbackups:
  -c string  path to the config file (default "~/.s3pgbackups")
  -n         don't actually do anything, just print what would be done
  -v         be verbose

-c config.cfg is optional. If you don't specify a config it'll default to ~/.s3pgbackups and will create this file if it doesn't already exist.

You can use the -n parameter to put s3pgbackups into no-op mode, where no actions will actually be performed.

The -v parameter will make s3pgbackups be verbose about what is actually happening.

The Future

At some point we'll probably rename the project to something more generic and add support for multiple databases, as well as multiple targets.

Authors and Contributors